Amigurumi Giraffe Making
Ears (2 pieces)
We start with the yellow thread.
1- mr 6sc
2- (sc, inc) * 3 = 9 (make 1 single sc, 1 double sc, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
3- 9sc
4- (2sc, inc) * 3 = 12 (make 2 single frequent needles, 1 double frequent needles, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
5- 12sc
6- (3sc, inc) * 3 = 15 (make 3 single frequent needles, make 1 double frequent needles, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
7- 15sc
8- (4sc, inc) * 3 = 18 (make 4 single frequent needles, 1 double frequent needle, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
9- 18sc
10- (5sc, inc) * 3 = 21 (make 5 single frequent needles, 1 double frequent needle, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
11- 21sc
12- (6sc, inc) * 3 = 24 (make 6 single frequent needles, 1 double frequent needles, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
13- 24sc
14- (7sc, inc) * 3 = 27 (make 7 single frequent needles, make 1 double frequent needles, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
15- 27sc
16- (8sc, inc) * 3 = 30 (make 8 single frequent needles, 1 double frequent needles, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
17-24 rows 30sc (eg without increasing 8 rows)
25- (8sc, dec) * 3 = 27 (make 8 single frequent needles, decrease 1, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
26- 27sc
27- (7sc, dec) * 3 = 24 (make 7 single frequent needles, decrease 1, continue this 3 times until the end of the row)
We finish 28- 24sc. In order to get the ear curl, we fold it from both sides and knit it like that.
Nostrils (2 pcs)
We start with cream rope.
1- mr 5sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 10
3- Make 10sc and finish.
(We leave some rope for sewing.)
Eyes (2 pieces)
There are different options you can use in making eyes, the first of which is the locked plastic eyes preferred in amigurumi toys. Second, you can knit it yourself according to the recipe given with different embroidery threads. Third, you can embroider the eye with embroidery threads. Fourth, you can make an eye with the buttons. In this recipe, I found it appropriate to knit the eyes with ethamine yarn.
We start with the black thread.
1- mr 6sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 12
We continue with the blue thread.
3- 12
4- (sc, inc) * 6 = 18
We continue with the white thread.
5- (2sc, inc) * 6 = 24
If your eye looks small, you can continue with another row of white thread.
Horns (2 pieces)
We start with cream rope.
1- mr 6sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 12
3- (sc, inc) * 6 = 18
4- 18sc
5- (sc, inc) * 6 = 12x
We go on the yellow rope.
6-21 rows 12sc
(We leave some thread for sewing, fill it with fiber.)
We start with cream rope.
1- mr 5sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 10
3- (sc, inc) * 6 = 15
4-10 rows 15sc
11-make all CC
We go on the yellow rope.
13-21 rows 15sc
We join and knit the two ends without filling the tail. We leave some rope to sew and finish.
You can make tassels from colored threads at the tip of the tail and attach beads to the ends.
Handles (2 pcs)
We start with cream rope.
1- mr 6sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 12
3- (sc, inc) * 6 = 18
4- (2sc, inc) * 6 = 24
5- (3sc, inc) * 6 = 30
6- (4sc, inc) * 6 = 36
7-13 rows 36sc
14- (4sc, dec) * 6 = 30 (We will make 4 frequent needles and decrease one stitch, we will do this 6 times)
We go on the yellow rope.
15- 44 rows 30xsc
45- (3sc, dec) * 6 = 24
(We fill it with a little fiber, not too much. We leave the rope long to sew.)
Legs (2 pieces)
We start with cream rope.
1- mr 6sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 12
3- (sc, inc) * 6 = 18
4- (2sc, inc) * 6 = 24
5- (3sc, inc) * 6 = 30
6- (4sc, inc) * 6 = 36
7- (5sc, inc) * 6 = 42
8- Blo 42sc
9-18 rows 42sc
19- (5sc, dec) * 6 = 36
We go on the yellow rope.
20- make all cc
21-53 rows 36sc
54- (4sc, dec) * 6 = 30
55-63 rows 30sc
(We fill it tightly with fiber and join the two ends, leaving a little thread to sew.)
We start with cream rope.
1- mr 6sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 12
3- (sc, inc) * 6 = 18
4- (2sc, inc) * 6 = 24
5- (3sc, inc) * 6 = 30
6- (4sc, inc) * 6 = 36
7-8 rows 36sc
9- (5sc, inc) * 6 = 42
10- 42sc
11- (6sc, inc) * 6 = 48
12- 48
13- (7sc, inc) * 6 = 54
We go on the yellow rope.
14-18 rows 54sc
19- (8sc, inc) * 6 = 60
20- 22 rows 60sc
23- (9sc, inc) * 6 = 66
24- (10sc, inc) * 6 = 72
(We’re starting to stuff fiber into it.)
25- (11sc, inc) * 6 = 78
26-32 rows 78sc
33- (11sc, dec) * 6 = 72
34-39 rows 72sc
40- (10sc, dec) * 6 = 66
41- 66sc
42- (9sc, dec) * 6 = 60
43- 60sc
44- (8sc, dec) * 6 = 54
45- (7sc, inc) * 6 = 48
46- (6sc, inc) * 6 = 42
47- (5sc, inc) * 6 = 36
48- (4sc, inc) * 6 = 30
49- (3sc, inc) * 6 = 24
50- (2sc, inc) * 6 = 18
51- (sc, dec) * 6 = 12
52- 6dec
We start with the yellow thread.
1- mr 6sc
2- (inc) * 6 = 12
3- (sc, inc) * 6 = 18
4- (2sc, inc) * 6 = 24
5- (3sc, inc) * 6 = 30
6- (4sc, inc) * 6 = 36
7- (5sc, inc) * 6 = 42
8- (6sc, inc) * 6 = 48
9- (7sc, inc) * 6 = 54
10- (8sc, inc) * 6 = 60
11- (9sc, inc) * 6 = 66
12- (10sc, inc) * 6 = 72
13- (11sc, inc) * 6 = 78
14- (12sc, inc) * 6 = 84
15-32 rows 84sc
33- (12sc, dec) * 6 = 78
34-36 rows 78sc
37- (11sc, dec) * 6 = 72
38-39 rows 72sc
40- (10sc, dec) * 6 = 66
41-45 rows 66sc
46- (9sc, dec) * 6 = 60
47-50 rows 60sc
51- (8sc, dec) * 6 = 54
52-55 rows 54sc
56- (7sc, dec) * 6 = 48
57-60 rows 48sc
61- (6sc, dec) * 6 = 42
(We are starting to fill in fiber.)
62-65 rows 42sc
(You can add the arms here by knitting or sewing.)
66- (5sc, dec) * 6 = 36
67- 36sc
68- (4sc, dec) * 6 = 30
69-90 rows 30sc
91- Do 15sc, go back, do 14sc, go back again, do 13sc. So we form the neck, we finish leaving some thread to sew.