Amigurumi Girl and Boy Bunny Pattern

Head and Body

Start with beige color yarn.

1. 6sc in magic ring(6)

2. 6inc (12)

3. (1sc, 1inc)*6 (18)

4. (2sc, 1inc)*6 (24)

5. (3sc, 1inc)*6 (30)

6. (4sc, 1inc)*6 (36)

7. – 9. 36sc

10. (5sc, 1inc)*6 (42)

11. – 13. 42sc

14. (5sc, 1dec)*6 (36)

15. 2sc, 1dec, (4sc, 1dec)*5, 2sc (30)

16. (3sc, 1dec)*6 (24)

17. (1sc, 1dec)*8 (16)

18. – 19. 16sc

Stuf the head.

20. (7sc, 1inc)*2 (18)

21. 4sc, 1inc, 8sc, 1inc, 4sc (20)

22. (9sc, 1inc)*2 (22)

23. 5sc, 1inc, 10sc, 1inc, 5sc (24)

24. (11sc, 1inc)*2 (26)

25. 6sc, 1inc, 12sc, 1inc, 6sc (28)

26. (13sc, 1inc)*2 (30)

27. 7sc, 1inc, 14sc, 1inc, 7sc (32)

28. – 29. 32sc

Continue with orange color yarn

30.  – 37. 32sc

Don’t cut the yarn. Bec we will t he legs.

Left and Right Legs

Continue with orange color yarn

1. – 5.15sc

Continue with beige color yarn

6. – 7. 15sc

Stuf the legs.

8. (3sc, 1dec)*3 (12)9. 12sc

Continue with blue color yarn

10. 12sc

Continue with brown color yarn.

11. 3sc, 4inc, 3sc, 2inc (18)

12. – 14. 18sc

15. BLO 9dec (9)

Close the legs.

Arms (Make 2)

Start with beige yarn

1. 6sc in magic ring(6)

2. (1sc, 2inc)*2 (10)

3. – 5. 10sc

6. (3sc, 1dec)*2 (8)

7. – 9. 8sc

10. 1dec, 6sc (7)

11. – 17. 7sc

Sew the arms between rows 21 -22

Pant Suspenders (Make 2)

Start with orange yarn and make 29 chain, start with second chain, make 28sc

Pocket (Make 2)

Start with dark orange color yarn

Make 5 chain and then start second chain

1. – 5. 4sc, 1chain and return (4)

Ears (Make 2)

Start with beige color yarn

1. 6sc in magic ring(6)

2. 1sc, 1inc, 4sc (7)

3. 2sc, 1inc, 4sc (8)

4. 3sc, 1inc, 4sc (9)

5. 3sc, 1inc, 5sc (10)

6. 4sc, 1inc, 5sc (11)

7. 5sc, 1inc, 5sc (12)

8. – 10. 12sc

11. 6sc, 1dec, 4sc (11)

12. 11sc

13. 6sc, 1dec, 3sc (10)

14. 10sc (10)

15. 6sc, 1dec, 2sc (9)

16. 9sc

17. 6sc, 1dec, 1sc (8)

18. 8sc

19. 6sc, 1dec (7)

20. 7sc


Start with beige color yarn

1. 6sc in magic ring(6)

2. (1sc,2inc)*2 (10)

3. 10sc

4. (1dec, 3sc)*2 (8)

Hat for Boy

Start with brown yarn

1. 6sc in magic ring(6)

2. 6inc (12)

3. (1sc, 1inc)*6 (18)

4. (2sc, 1inc)*6 (24)

5. (3sc, 1inc)*6 (30)

6. (4sc, 1inc)*6 (36)

7. (5sc, 1inc)*6 (42)

8. (6sc, 1inc)*6 (48)

9. – 10. 48sc

11. (6sc, 1dec)*6 (42)

Continue with beige color yarn

12. 42sc

Continue with blue color yarn

13. 42sc

Continue with brown yarn

14. 1hdc, 1dc, 1dc inc, (1dc, 1dc inc)*2, 1dc, 1dc inc, 1 hdc, 33sc (46)

Cut the yarn


Start with green color yarn.

Make 51 chain and then start second chain

1slip stitch, 1dc, 1dc inc, 1dc, 7sc, 1hdc, 10dc, 2tr, 3tr in 1 stitch, 2tr, 10dc, 1hdc, 7sc, 1dc, 1dc

inc, 1dc, 1 slip stitch (53)

Hat for Girl

Start with blue color yarn

1. 6sc in magic ring(6)

2. 6inc (12)

3. (1sc, 1inc)*6 (18)

4. (2sc, 1inc)*6 (24)

5. (3sc, 1inc)*6 (30)

6. (4sc, 1inc)*6 (36)

7. (5sc, 1inc)*6 (42)

8. – 10. 42sc

Continue with beige color yarn

11. 42sc

Continue with brown yarn

12. 42sc

Continue with blue yarn

13. 42sc

14. FLO 42 inc (84)