Bella Doll Making
Snowball Organica rope;
1 piece of Tan (K1219) rope
1 piece Pink (K782) color rope
1 Water Green (K493) color rope
1 Dry Rose (K1749) color rope
2.5 mm crochet hook
8 mm amigurumi eye
Bead fiber
Sewing needle
Black and pink-red embroidery thread
3 tiny buttons for sewing on the back of the dress
ch: Chain
sc: Sc
inc: Increase
dec: reduction
Hdc: Half railing
Dc: Double handrail
Üt: Triple railing
Blo: Knitting by sinking into the back of the loops
Handles (2 pcs)
We knit with a skin-colored thread.
1) 6SC into the magic ring (6)
2) (2SC, 1inc) * 2 (8)
3-32) 8SC (8)
We cut the rope and finish.
Feet and Legs
We start with the pink color rope.
1) Pull 8 chains, turn, 6SC from 2 chains, 4SC from the same loop, 5SC, 1inc (17)
2) 1inc, 5SC, 4inc, 6SC, 1inc (23)
3) Blo 23SC (23)
4) 23SC (23)
5) 6SC, 2dec, 1dec (we take 3 loops together and reduce them), 2dec, 6SC (17)
6) 3SC, 2dec, 1dec (we take 3 loops together and reduce them), 2dec, 3SC (11)
7) 11SC (11)
We go to the skin color rope.
8-41) 11SC (11)
After finishing the first leg, we knit the second leg in the same way.
By pulling 5 chains, we join the legs and continue to the body without cutting the rope.
1) 11SC from first leg, 5SC on chain, 11SC from second leg, 5SC on chain (32)
2) 2SC, 1inc, 2SC, 1inc, 15SC, 1inc, 2SC, 1inc, 7SC (36)
3) 3SC, 1inc, 3SC, 1inc, 16SC, 1inc, 2SC, 1inc, 8SC (40)
4) 37SC, 1inc, 2SC (41)
5-9) 41SC (41)
10) 38SC, 1dec, 1SC (40)
11) 3SC, 1dec, 3SC, 1dec, 18SC, 1dec, 3SC, 1dec, 5SC (36)
12) 3SC, 1dec, 2SC, 1dec, 17SC, 1dec, 2SC, 1dec, 4SC (32)
13) 3SC, 1dec, 1SC, 1dec, 15SC, 1dec, 1SC, 1dec, 4SC (28)
14) 28SC (28)
15) 5SC, 1dec, 13SC, 1dec, 6SC (26)
16) 26SC (26)
17) 5SC, 1dec, 12SC, 1dec, 5SC (24)
18-20) 24SC (24)
21) 6SC, 1inc, 11SC, 1inc, 5SC (26)
22) 7SC, 1inc, 11SC, 1inc, 6SC (28)
23) 11SC, 2inc, 3SC, 2inc, 10SC (32)
24) 12SC, 1inc, 1SC, 1inc, 4SC, 1inc, 1SC, 1inc, 10SC (36)
25-26) 36SC (36)
27) 12SC, 1dec, 1SC, 1dec, 4SC, 1dec, 1SC, 1dec, 10SC (32)
28) 11SC, 2dec, 3SC, 2dec, 10SC (28)
29) 28SC (28)
30) 7SC, tie 3 loops from sleeve to body with 3SC, 11SC, tie 3 loops from sleeve to body with 3SC, 4SC
31) 7SC, 5SC from the remaining loops of the arm, 11SC, 5SC from the remaining loops of the arm, 4SC (32)
32) (6SC, 1dec) * 4 (28)
33) 1SC, 1dec, 4SC, 2dec, 4SC, 1dec, 4SC, 2dec, 3SC (22)
34) 5SC, 2dec, 7SC, 2dec, 2SC (18)
35) 9dec (9)
36-39) 9SC (9)
We continue to the head without tearing the rope.
1) 9inc (18)
2) (2SC, 1inc) * 6 (24)
3) (3SC, 1inc) * 6 (30)
4) (2SC, 1inc, 2SC) * 6 (36)
5) (5SC, 1inc) * 6 (42)
6) (3SC, 1inc, 3SC) * 6 (48)
7) (7SC, 1inc) * 6 (54)
8-22) 54SC (54)
12-13. We wear the eyes 7 loops between the rows.
23) (7SC, 1dec) * 6 (48)
24) (3SC, 1dec, 3SC) * 6 (42)
25) (5SC, 1dec) * 6 (36)
26) (2SC, 1dec, 2SC) * 6 (30)
27) (3SC, 1dec) * 6 (24)
28) (1SC, 1dec, 1SC) * 6 (18)
29) (1SC, 1dec) * 6 (12)
30) 6SC (6)
We collect the rope and finish it.
We start with the water green color rope.
1) 6SC into the magic ring (6)
2) 6inc (12)
3) (1SC, 1inc) * 6 (18)
4) (2SC, 1inc) * 6 (24)
5) (3SC, 1inc) * 6 (30)
6) (4SC, 1inc) * 6 (36)
7) (5SC, 1inc) * 6 (42)
8) (6SC, 1inc) * 6 (48)
9) (7SC, 1 inc) * 6 (54)
10-14) 54SC (54)
15-18) (Skipping 2 stitches and 5dc to 3rd stitch, 2 stitches to 1sc to 3rd stitch) * 9
19) With the last 1SC, we continue the same loop until the end as 1mil, 1dc, 1hdc, 1SC, 1hdc, 1dc, 1ut, 1dc, 1hdc, 1SC.
You can make pompoms on the top of the hat.
We knit with a dried rose color thread.
1) 26ch pull and turn, 3SC, 1inc, (6SC, 1inc) * 2, 3SC (24) from 6th loop
2) 1ch pull and turn, 4SC, 1inc, 7SC, 1inc, 6SC, 1inc, 4SC (27)
3) Pull 1ch and turn, pull 1inc, 2SC, 6ch Skip 6 stitches, (2SC, 1inc) * 3, pull 6ch Skip 6 stitches, (2SC, 1inc) * 3, 1inc, 2SC (32)
4) 1ch pull and turn, 4SC, 6SC on chain, 12SC, 6SC on chain, 4SC (32)
5) 2ch pull and turn, 4hdc, 1hdc, 1inc, (7hdc, 1hdc, 1inc) * 3, 3hdc (36)
6) 1ch pull and turn, 7SC, 1dec, 18SC, 1dec, 7SC (34)
7) 1ch pull and turn, 34SC (34)
8) 1ch pull and turn, 12SC, 1dec, 6SC, 1dec, 12SC (32)
9) 6ch turn pull, 32SC (32)
10) 1ch pull and turn, 8SC, 1dec, 12SC, 1dec, 8SC (30)
11) 1ch pull and turn, 1inc, 6SC, 1dec, 12SC, 1dec, 6SC, 1inc (30)
12) 2ch pull and turn, 30dc, 1inc (60)
13-15) 2ch pull and turn, 60dc (60)
16) 6ch pull and turn, 60dc (60)
17-22) 60dc (60)
We cut and finish the rope.
Dress sleeves
We knit with a dried rose color thread.
1) We tie our rope to the side loop with 2ch, knit from 6dc upper loop, 1dc side loop, 6dc lower loop, and make loop shift to the top of the second chain. (13)
2-10) 13dc (13)
11) 13 hdc, 1inc (26)
We cut the rope and finish.
We sew 3 buttons on the back and finish our dress.
You can make eyeliner on the eyes with black thread.
You can also make lips with pink thread.