Amigurumi Angel Bride Making
Head and Body
It is knitted with puppy’s color rope.
1) 6sc into mr
2) 6inc (12sc)
3) (1sc, 1inc) * 6 (18sc)
4) (2sc, 1inc) * 6 (24sc)
5) (3sc, 1inc) * 6 (30sc)
6-10) 30sc
11) (3sc, 1dec) * 6 (24sc)
12) (2sc, 1dec) * 6 (18sc)
13) (1sc, 1dec) * 6 (12sc)
14) (2sc, 1dec) * 3 (9sc)
The body is passed with Snow White color rope.
15) 9sc
16) (2sc, 1inc) * 3 (12sc)
17) (3sc, 1inc) * 3 (15sc)
18) (4sc, 1inc) * 3 (18sc)
19) 18sc
20) (5sc, 1inc) * 3 (21sc)
21) (6sc, 1inc) * 3 (24sc)
22) (7sc, 1inc) * 3 (27sc)
23) (8sc, 1inc) * 3 (30sc)
24) (9sc, 1inc) * 3 (33sc)
25) 33sc
26) (10sc, 1inc) * 3 (36sc)
27) (11sc, 1inc) * 3 (39sc)
28) (12sc, 1inc) * 3 (42sc)
29-33) 42sc
34) 3 pcs dc in the same loop as Flo
A frill is made.
35) Loops at the bottom of the ruffle from blo are closed with a decrease.
Handles (2 Pieces)
It is knitted with Snow White color.
1) 6sc into mr
2-9) 6sc
It is knitted with dark brown color thread.
1) 13 cm long ropes are cut. The ropes are folded in half and attached one by one from the forehead to the head with the help of a crochet.
Wings (2 Pieces)
It is knitted with Snow White color.
1) 7 chains are drawn.
2) 6 frequent needles are made from the 6th chain.
3) 1 chain is drawn, the upper row is passed.
4) Increase is made in the second densest needle. Other frequent needles are fixed to the top of the needle. Increment in each row is made from the same loop.
5) At the end of the 2nd row, 4 chains are drawn. 3 frequent needles are increased. The wing protrusion is created.
6) In this way, the same process is continued until there are 4 wing protrusions.