Amigurumi Pepee Rattle Making

We knit puppies with colored thread.
1) 6ch, 4sc from 2nd chain, w, 3sc, inc (12sc)
2) inc, 3sc, 3inc, 3sc, 2inc (18sc)
3) sc, inc, 4sc, (1inc, 1sc) * 3, 3sc, inc, sc, inc (24sc)
4) (2sc, inc) * 8 (32sc)
5) (3sc, inc) * 8 (40sc)
6) (4sc, inc) * 8 (48sc)
7) (7sc, inc) * 6 (54sc)
8-19) 54sc
20) (7sc, dec) * 6 (48sc)
21) (6sc, dec) * 6 (42sc)
22) (5sc, dec) * 6 (36sc)
23) (4sc, dec) * 6 (30sc)
24) (3sc, dec) * 6 (24sc)
25) (2sc, dec) * 6 (18sc)
26) (1sc, 1dec) * 6 (12sc)
27) 6dec
We always subtract, cut and finish by collecting the loops, pulling them into it.
10-13. We process the eyes with black thread between rows with 10sc.
With the face facing you, we process the hair from the upper level of the ears and from the left eye level to the desired place, side by side, into 3sc.

We knit puppies with colored thread.
1) From the bottom of the eye, we attach the thread into the 9th frequent needle and knit 1sc, 4hdc, 1sc.
2) Likewise, we do the other ear and finish it.

We knit with sax blue yarn.
1) 6ch, 4sc from 2nd chain, w, 3sc, inc (12sc)
2) inc, 3sc, 3inc, 3sc, 2inc (18sc)
3) sc, inc, 4sc, (inc, 1sc) * 3, 3sc, inc, sc, inc (24sc)
4) (2sc, inc) * 8 (32sc)
5) (3sc, inc) * 8 (40sc)
6) (4sc, inc) * 8 (48sc)
7) (7sc, inc) * 6 (54sc)
8-16) 54sc
We leave the rope long to sew.

Hat Shade
We knit with sax blue yarn.
1) We put the hat on the head. We center it mutually in 17 loops from the front part. We attach the rope where we first determined. We knit 17sc as Flo.
2) 1ch, we turn, we jump 1sc, we knit 16sc.
3) 1ch, we turn, we jump 1sc, we knit 15sc.
4) 1ch, we turn, we jump 1sc, we knit 14sc.
5) 1ch, we turn, we jump 1sc, we knit 13sc.
6) 1ch, we turn, we jump 1sc, we knit 12sc.
7) 1ch, we turn, we jump 1sc, we knit 11sc.
8) 1ch, we turn, we skip 1sc, we knit 8sc, we skip 1sc and we sink into the last loop. (9sc)
9) We knit the remaining loops as Blo and do 17sc and finish in the same way.
10) There will be two pieces. We attach the thread from one end of the canopy and turn around the canopy with 1 row of frequent needles and connect them together.
We sew the hat on the head with the rope left on the hat.
We process the writings in front of it with the help of a needle.

Colored Part of the Hat
We knit with thread of white color.
1) 9ch, 8sc from 2nd ch
2) We pull 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with green thread.
3-6) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with thread of white color.
7-8) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with thread of orange color.
9-12) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with thread of white color.
13-14) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with thread of red color.
15-18) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with thread of white color.
19-20) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with mustard yellow thread.
21-24) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with thread of white color.
25-26) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We knit with sax blue yarn.
27-30) We take 1ch and turn. We knit 8sc and cut it, leaving thread for sewing.
We repeat these processes for a total of 60 rows.
We make this part by adjusting it to cover the circumference of the hat and connect the two ends with a frequent needle. We thread the colored strip on the hat. We sew each color separately with its own thread.

We knit with sax blue yarn.
1) We pull 15 chains. From 2 chains we knit 14sc. We turn and connect to the first loop.
2-65) 14sc

Hands and Arms
We knit puppies with colored thread.
1) 6sc into mr
2) 6inc (12sc)
3-4) 12sc
5) Quadruple patter, 11sc (12sc)
6-8) 12sc
We knit with green thread.
9) Flo 12sc
10) 12sc
We knit with thread of white color.
11) 12sc
We knit with thread of orange color.
12-13) 12sc
We knit with thread of white color.
14) 12sc
We knit with thread of red color.
15-16) 12sc
We knit with thread of white color.
17) 12sc
We knit with mustard yellow thread.
18-19) 12sc
We knit with thread of white color.
20) 12sc
We knit with sax blue yarn.
21-22) 12sc
We bring the loops together and join them. We leave thread for sewing and cut.
We knit the other arm in the same way. We finish by knitting Blo with 1 row of green yarn for the part we knit Flo.

1st Model
We knit with mustard yellow thread.
1) 39ch, starting from the 10th ch, we knit 30sc. We go up with 1ch.
2-3) We knit 30sc and return with 3ch.
4) We skip 1 frequent needle and knit 1 double handrail inside the other thick needle. We draw 2ch, knit 1 more double handrail in the same hole. Without pulling a chain, we skip a needle and knit 1 double handrail inside the other thick needle. We pull 2 ​​chains and make 1 more handrails in the same hole. We repeat this process until the end of the row.
5) We pull 3ch and turn. We knit a double handrail into the parts we draw 2ch and throw without pulling the chain.